
Résumé Rescue by Barbara Bowes

Resume Rescue Book

A must-have for anyone serious about managing their career! What makes this book unique is the focus on specific skills which is useful for individuals who are interested in different positions using a comparable skill set. Barbara Bowes is President of Legacy Bowes Group and an authority on human resources.


Purchase a digital copy of Résumé Rescue today!



would like to thank Barbara for writing her innovative book Resume Rescue. This book provided me with the direction I needed to emphasize my skills and accomplisments. I appreciated how Resume Rescue helped me identify my professional expertise and how to apply that expertise to a specific job position. After many years of writing the wrong kind of resume - Resume Rescue provided the method I needed and successfully helped me land my most recent job."

Thanks, Barbara!
Silvia Jakobs

Taming the Workplace Tigers

Taming the Workplace Tigers Book

For many of us, the environment we work in every day can feel like a jungle fraught with danger, pitfalls and calamity. Barbara Bowes knows this all too well and brings her wealth of experience and expertise to help you not only survive, but thrive!

For more information or to purchase "Taming the Workplace Tigers" please visit


Purchase a digital copy of Taming the Workplace Tigers today!


Barbara Bowes speaks about her new book Taming the Workplace Tigers on The Best Business Show at KVOR 740AM in Colorado.

Listen to the interview