By Legacy Bowes on Friday, 17 June 2022
Category: Uncategorized

Barbara Bowes receives lifetime achievement award from CPHR Manitoba

Photo courtesy of Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Manitoba

Legacy Bowes co-founder Barbara Bowes became the most recent recipient of the prestigious Legacy Award from the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources (CPHR) Manitoba on June 1, 2022. This award recognizes HR Professionals who have personified community and corporate leadership, advanced the HR profession and inspired others toward success through their lived example.

The Professional Excellence Awards are organized by CPHR Manitoba and recognize individuals who apply their HR expertise to the objectives of their organization and the people they support.

“I’m really proud to have played a role in growing the HR profession in Manitoba, and really proud that Legacy Bowes has played a key role in developing Human Resources within our client base.” Said Barbara Bowes, Founder and Former President, Legacy Bowes.

Bowes was nominated for this award by Tory McNally, Director of Human Resources Services, Legacy Bowes.

“When talking about excellence in the HR field, it would be hard to not think about Barbara. Throughout her long career, she has been a great support to many individuals and organizations,” McNally said. “We are so proud of Barbara and all that she’s accomplished in the HR community. With her expertise and foresight, Legacy Bowes has now been able to serve the HR community in Manitoba and beyond for over 30 years.”

Bill Medd, Partner, Leadership Development with Legacy Bowes, echoed McNally’s sentiments, adding this award was well deserved.

“As Legacy Bowes continues develop leaders, provide search and recruitment services, consult with organizations and communities, and now expanding to support the Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #92, we know the heart of it all began with Barbara and her desire to serve. Congratulations Barbara,” Medd said.

To learn more about the HR Excellence Awards, please visit